PURIM 2025


Please injoy our amazing  Mishloach Manot selsction , We carry  whole 9 yards styles and sizes to fit your need and budget. Yossi's is happy to help you up  with the best of Kosher  Selection, Price & Satisfaction in town.. So please feel free to go ahead and pick up your perfect authentic  Mishloach Manot ..


Mishloach manot,
also called “Purim basket”, are included gifts .. food & drinks that are sent to friends, family, and other acquaintances for Purim. Giving mishloach manot is mentioned in the Megillah, in the verse: “Umishloach manos ish l’reyehu”  (Translation: “and sending portions of food to one another”). Mishloach manot normally include wine and pastries (especially hamentashen), sweets and chocolates.
We wish you all the most of the blessings that purim can bring ..
מי שנכנס אדר מרבים
This year is 60 Days of Simcha

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  1. Haman Tashen Platter 16"

    A scrumptious variety of freshly baked hamantashen, this traditional Purim treat is everyone's favorite! Available in 3 sizes. Learn More
  2. Haman Tashen Platter 14"

    A scrumptious variety of freshly baked hamantashen, this traditional Purim treat is everyone's favorite! Available in 3 sizes. Learn More
  3. Haman Tashen Platter 12"

    A scrumptious variety of freshly baked hamantashen, this traditional Purim treat is everyone's favorite! Available in 3 sizes. Learn More

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